Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Doppelgangers - double of a living person ,  a look-alike

Have you ever met with someone who looks just like someone you know/knew ?
Of course you have , it's only the matter of its oftenity (dunno if that word exist but sounds cool !)

Well...i have recently , just when i moved from my old high school to my collegian life , i spotted quite some doppelgangers of my past friends , no i'm not talking about dreams Nay imaginations , it's real brotha

Maybe because i miss my old high school so much...
Or....both my minus eyes just got worse, yeah let's go with that

But seriously bro and sis , one of my friends really is a celebrity look- a -like
"Hey *********'s on TV ! ... oh wait that's a dude...

Anyway -->

Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you baby
If I ain't got you baby

Sorry...got carried a bit there, Alicia keys by the way if you dunno

Okay back to the stuff , some people said that (and still by the way) if you meet your own doppelgangers it means bad sign, you're gonna die, bla bla bla, etc

"But eventually we're all turning into our own doppelgangers" as Ted said
(Yes if you've notice , i have been using lots of catchphrase and totally referring to "How I Met Your Mother" ,  one of my fav show , aaw....some!)

The old me from 5 years a go are totally different from now and so is everybody else ,  it's actually kinda cool when we take a photo album and see ourselves way back then
Fatter, skinnier , shorter .....

We may cherish or regret but one thing i do know is that it's never too late
Do we want ourselves to turn into our old self, eliminating this present doppelgangers
or... we could just head forward and let the bulding construct itself and see where it goes , and that's called life ... man (if you watch HIMYM, you know what i mean)

How I Met Your Mother

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Power of Steak and Japanese Food !

Seorang pemilik usaha yang baik tentu mengenal tampang-tampang preman pasar sangar di lingkungan sekitar nya customer yang sering dateng dan belanja ke tempatnya, ga peduli mulai dari bisnis bengkel - baju ampe restoran sekalipun ....
Hi guys, if you can read this then i want to congratulate you for seing the unseen, nama gw edwin-salam kenal bro-sis, boleh add gw di fb -tukarkartu@gmail,.com - gw hobi makan resto jepang, siapa tau klo ketemu gw tar dimana gw traktirin de, hahaha
Gw yang sering makan di restoran steak tepat sebelah rumah gw, "B steak" [bantu promo ni itung2] tanpa perlu ngemenk apa2 lagi langsung dapet diskon tiap kali makan disana tanpa ngajuin kartu ato apapun, dan pemiliknya juga klo repair mobil tempat papa gw ya diskon2 gitu de, mutualisme gitu de, aseek

Jangan lupa comment and isi comment box ya, thx a lot for visiting my blog, purposely or accidentally...you're always welcome !

B steak ini seperti namanya ngejual macem2 steak , cemilan , ampe pancake juga ad ,selain wi-fi ,suasana nya gahol gitu buat ngumpul2, dia juga punya TV gede proyektor gitu, buat nonton bola ato apa lah asek juga,  lu harus coba de !

steak, power, japanese, japanese food, delicious, jakarta, sushi, ocha tea

 kaskuser, kaskus, indonesia, fun stuff, fun, blog gaul, blog keren, blog, happy new year, 2011
Same thing happen today, i was eating at "Zenbu" (japanese restaurant) with my family yang sangking seringnya makan disono - manager nya ga malu2 langsung nge-break dance diatas meja ngasi discount card buat dipake kapan aja, mantep ga noh, uoooh ! 

Nah klo resto jepang tentu aja punya ala jepang, sushi - ramen - dan specialist disini itu mozaru , nasi di baked sama cheese sama filling ny yg kita pilih, dilengkapi dengan wifi - music jepang dan WC (penting ga sih?) , uuuooooh mantep !


{Is it just me or i got a feeling, just a feeling somewhat that i will get fatter faster in a lower price...hmmm.... hahaha}

One last thing yang lu ga perlu pertanyakan, gw saat ini serasa kayak Bondan , bukan...bukan bondan prakoso "ya sudahlah / kita selamanya" - maksud gw bondan winarno si raja kuliner , berkeliling dengan mobil dan sebuah crew cameramen mengitari sudut-sudut kota menyicipi makanan ... dan tentu aja slogan nya yg gw apal mati dan pake setiap ketemu makanan enak ....
Say it with me people ....1....2....3 .....POKO'E MAKNYUS !!!

* yang mampir ke-page ini karena nyari bondan ... hi5 brotha/sista !


11 Januari bertemu ... lalalala.. (uda kagak tau lagi, pokoknya lagu GIGI) is exactly the song that pops out in my mind , well... agak telat sih , hari ni tnggl 12 - lu bisa salahin om google yang kemaren gmail nya error gw jadi ga bisa log in buat ngeblog

The date is [ 11-01-'11 ] , 5 number 1 is clearly stacked up right there
Seems like a very good day to start with in this new year spirit , marriage , dinner and any other big various events are held on this day

Well...not exactly for me , i have a really bad experience with visiting other people's place ( "kos" - bahasa inggris-indonesia nya sama, uda nanya google kok) , yup - if applied to accounting's principle which is the Low Cost Assumption, it's matched perfectly as "Everytime i go to other people's place i will go home in a low condition (dissapointed) and there WILL be a cost to pay"

Exhibit 1 ] Made homework and Play for approx 2 hours at place A and lost a crocs and figuratively have no  sandal left

Exhibit 2 ] Play at place B (initially doing homework) only to discover own USB to be filled with flocking viruses and lost of important datas

Well....in the end of this great day , you know that wherever things go, it's only a matter of your perspection of how things will be presented...

Little piece of advice to all of you out there who are having a hard time
Don't take it seriously when bad things happen , just remember that things / condition will always change - either good or bad , ready to go - ready to let go , just be prepared for it and you'll be fine

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hppy new year 2 and tea elephant

Happy new year 2 and tea elephant everybody !

What a year 2010 has been, the coolest year yet , the year where i got my ultimate bad result on AS exam , take the ultra shocking leap from high school , lots of panties parties - lots of goodbyes , and of course the old tradition of playing cards while hanging out even until the last minute of 2010, it has been a great year and i hope this '11 will be too

With so much homework and things to be done, this poorly constructed mind clearly needs a break ; yes, at the start of the year, nice huh, 5 long marathon-ized homework and 3-4 days to finish it (though i'll relax till the last minute anyway but still, damn you homeworks ! ) ; till probably next month -- from here saying :

"Happy new year, may all our wishes are coming true this year , may 2011 bring us good luck -health- fortune"

Till next time, have a G8 (yup, not G6) holiday (if you're still in one) , have a great weekend, huzzah !

luna maya, aura kasih, miyabi, aoi sora, sora aoi, bcl, bunga citra lestari, cut tari, hentai , bokep,jepang, sex, red tube, kaskuser, kaskus, indonesia, fun stuff, fun, blog gaul, blog keren, blog, happy new year, 2011
Recently i've had some driving lessons ...
Let me tell you that 500 thousand Rp on driving course only worth around -this bit-  for this guy (yeah, i am making those tiny little gap between my fingers right now) , and yesterday when i am the driver , with accompaniment of my dad  in the front seat and my mom in the back seat (initially helping and later panicking), here's what happened :

Dad : Hurry up, turn to the right, it's clearly empty !!!
Mom : Don't turn, look there's a motorcycle behind you, watch out !!!
Me : Uh...okay...   ...   .....   OH SHEEEEET !!!
Which brings us to my conclusion .... Somewhere in the universe, i know a little alien boy is having a hard time driving his flying vehicle thingy