Wednesday, January 12, 2011


11 Januari bertemu ... lalalala.. (uda kagak tau lagi, pokoknya lagu GIGI) is exactly the song that pops out in my mind , well... agak telat sih , hari ni tnggl 12 - lu bisa salahin om google yang kemaren gmail nya error gw jadi ga bisa log in buat ngeblog

The date is [ 11-01-'11 ] , 5 number 1 is clearly stacked up right there
Seems like a very good day to start with in this new year spirit , marriage , dinner and any other big various events are held on this day

Well...not exactly for me , i have a really bad experience with visiting other people's place ( "kos" - bahasa inggris-indonesia nya sama, uda nanya google kok) , yup - if applied to accounting's principle which is the Low Cost Assumption, it's matched perfectly as "Everytime i go to other people's place i will go home in a low condition (dissapointed) and there WILL be a cost to pay"

Exhibit 1 ] Made homework and Play for approx 2 hours at place A and lost a crocs and figuratively have no  sandal left

Exhibit 2 ] Play at place B (initially doing homework) only to discover own USB to be filled with flocking viruses and lost of important datas the end of this great day , you know that wherever things go, it's only a matter of your perspection of how things will be presented...

Little piece of advice to all of you out there who are having a hard time
Don't take it seriously when bad things happen , just remember that things / condition will always change - either good or bad , ready to go - ready to let go , just be prepared for it and you'll be fine

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