Friday, June 24, 2011

Michael Jackson song ... all day long

Hi guys , any MJ fans ?
a lot right ... more than how much  food  i've eaten so far ... MJ is just awesome , great voice and who doesn't like to do the moonwalk ... pure win right there ( not Michael Jordan , but he's awesome too in his own way)

It's been 2 years since he left but our memory of him never will , tomorrow there's gonna be a Michael Jackson tribute all day long @101 Jak-FM , if you're too lazy to turn on you radio , you'll simply hear the live streaming at the header of my blog ... yuph  , right up there  ^

Totally gonna tune in ... i haven't heard any MJ songs in radio / TV lately .. so it's cool , and exams are almost over and it's gonna be "awesome (in HIMYM - Barney's high pitch voice)

     When i was little i literally don't know any MJ song at all except for like "Heal the world (that's even from charity) ... but the next day after he passed away i downloaded all of his songs - how sick is that (the power of television)

     When you talk about "The King of Pop" right , i like mudkip a lot of his songs ... like "Billie Jean , Smooth Criminal , I'll be There  , Black or White , Hold my hand , We are the world ... and so much more ...

      Here's one of my favourite MJ song and some video / tributes about him

Michael Jackson - Black Or White .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Akon & MJ - Hold My Hand

KevJumba Tributes to MJ , i do recommend to check on his channel ( KevJumba and JumbaFund ) ... one of the top subscribed channel in youtube , lots of funny videos too 

       I personally learn so much character and other stuff by listening to MJ's song rather than from character building classes which i must take in college (which results in backpain , shoulder injury    well i mean , technically i learn something as well , only less in quality and quantity ) ... No offence though , just an opinion

       So ... guys ... do look forward for tomorrow MJ songs @101Jak FM (no i do not get paid unfortunatelly ... but would love to work at radio station though) .... i am excited and ready to moonwalk all day long tomorrow ( nah , just kidding ) ....   have a great day everybody , peace out

Michael Jackson - King of Pop
August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RIP Jackass star Ryan Dunn

RIP Jackass star Ryan Dunn

    I've been following the Jackass series and movies lately for the past few weeks , like it a lot , it's sad to see early departure of a star from a huge show like Jackass ...

    Nobody was expecting that , even the Jackass crew themselves , hoping the best for others ,  the daredevil version of yours 've done a lot of cool stunts and i'm sure all Jackass fans out there will remember you well ... rest in peace Ryan

   Death is the one thing human can't escape , it's sudden , it's mostly unexpected ... but you don't have to be all scared and stuff , living a meaningful - happy life by doing things not only for yourself but also for others i'm sure we'll have nothing to regret when it does arrive

" Do it while you're young " (His documentary movie)
-Jackie Chan-

" Take a look at yourself and make that change " (Man in the mirror)
-Michael Jackson-

Cherish and do the best in your life

Me , signing out , peace

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lucid dream

Hi guys , this is gonna be one of my short post as i will have algorithm practical test today (and still a little sign of learning)

     I just had a lucid dream , it's the kind of dream that where you actually know that you're dreaming ... dream in a dream ....yeah it's the inception thing ... maybe coz  i watch a lot of movies or stuff but i dunno , can be scary huh , and i remember my dream quite clearly ...about 50-60% , wow....
"Totally speechless (duh , it's a blog)

    Few weeks back i read some articles in pic form from FJ , hi all FJ fans out there , thay see me writin ...they hatin ...LOL

So...the pic tells about how you can lucid dream , basically it's like a guide on how to do it , i'll share it with you guys later if i found it

I don't think i should tell any detail about my dream ...but if you wanna know , it's a double layer , meaning that i dream inside my dream

        Oh one more thing (sounds like tagline from jackie's uncle in jackie chan animation series) , i remember buying cinemags with Inception cover on it , and literally before i slept i put one cinemags magz at the end of my bed (near my feet) ... if i woke up and find the inception cover back then , i would either piss in my pants or run the hell out of my house to piss in my pants (wtf man , what's the diff ) ... either way it is scary and awesome at the same time (not the piss part)

Kay guys-girls (yeah2 , u got my point) hope you enjoy that , kinda of a short post , and i swear i'm not making any of this up .... see you guys later ... gracias ...denada (hey , thx dora !)

Update 18thJune 2011
  Hey i found the pic , it's an OC from some FJ guy , thx bro it is
It's a 3 part , feel free to read it , click it to make it bigger

I've actually starts to kinda records my dream by drawing it on a paper and such ... you know , just wanna try the things in the pics , hahaha

FYI : i lucid dreamed first then remembers that i have these pic , not that i want to have one ..kinda gives a goose bumps 

If i have this kinda similar experience in the future , i'll be sure to update it , so .. stay tune guys

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Huff Puff

Yo'i gw tau , judulnya uda kayak merek minuman pearl kayak bobo cup , quickly , dkk

Okeh .. jadi gw mau ujian (lagi) --> derita seribu tahun klo kata kakashi versi indonesia
            Jadi secara otomatis jadi jarang ngepost ( liburan aja jarang halah alibi ) , anyway ... gw ada segudang .. segepok (aja de) pengalaman dari kemaren2 yang uda siap gw ngemenk2in disini tetapi karena hari ini hari senen pagi dan gw mesti kuliah , ada PR dan blm dibikin pula (barusan selese 2 , masi ada 1 , dan sekarang jam 3.41 pagi , mantep ga tuh?) .... tar klo dah tenang gw ngepost lagi , pasti nya , wahahahaha

       Wah dari kemaren banyak tuh kejadian epic , mulai dari gw setelah 2-3 minggu ga maen dota (yes all you dota gamers , sini maju byone-in gw maen hello kitty --> ?? ) akhirnya maen kemaren2 sama temen2 highschool gw , lanjut gw marathon nonton yugioh (semua series nya , 5d uda , GX masih lanjut , zexal nungguin english sub) , minum blue vodka ampe kumis biru (lidah apalagi .. klo minum dalam kadar wajar ya) , foto gajebo di gajebo (pusing dah) buat yearbook-an  , sampe pengen ngedeketin SPG di warnet tapi gak kesampean , wkwkwk gokil2

***Gw baru cek di om google ternyata huff puff itu alat buat experiment biologi toh , gw juga baru tau .. setau gw ada merek minuman juga sih , tapi ya udahlah 

Anyway segini dlo aja gw mau nerusin pipis lanjut ngerjain tugas dan jadi batman hari ini , have a sweet day , hands up .... reach for the sky and smile !