Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Back on track ! 1st of all ... happy halloween everybody !

   It's that time of the year when we dress in costumes  , trick or treating , mass walking across the road like a boss , playing ol'thriller song and dancing MJ's zombie .... is what i like to say ... unfortunatelly here in my beloved country we don't have any celebration for halloween

Click  this .. MJ's MV Thriller

Well , atleast they were ...

    Kebetulan hari ini hari senen dan gw ada kuliah , gw sempet kepikir buat pake costume something gitu sepanjang hari ini just for the lolz but can't see to find any costumes (dan kayaknya klo ga ad temen nya malu juga gw)

  Yang pasti gw bakal kurang tidur (lagi) gara2 masi ada tugas yg mesti dikumpul nanti (progress 0% - typical anak kuliahan) , maybe i'll just put on some make up w/messy hair and torn out clothes to look like a zombie ... that wouldn't be bad (kecuali gw bakal diusir satpam dari kampus)

   1 hal lagi yg unique dari halloween adalah ... semua orang yg namanya mengandung syllable "-win" bakal dimention sepanjang hari ...
===Sebelum /Setelah halloween===
A : "Halo-win dah lama ga ketemu
Gw : "Yo , halloween baru lewat / masi lama kale ...
A : (Kabur kayak ngeliat setan)

===Pas Halloween===
A : "Oy , halo-win
Gw : "Yo , happy halloween juga
A : "Gw manggil lu kalee ...

Pumpkin , can't forget this guy for Halloween

   Anyway ... halloween dimata seorang edwin yang suka bermain bensin (?? ah yg penting rhymes) itu adalah salah satu liburan favourite gw selaen natal - taon baru (liburan nya lama) ... why ? kenapa ? mengapa ? kapan ? 5W 1H ? Pertama ga semua holiday punya semacam mascot yg keren yang bener2 melambangkan liburan tersebut ... anggaplah gw kasi gambar kelinci sama telur , dah ketauan banget kan klo direlate ke liburan pasti easter

    Nah halloween sendiri selain labu orange tentunya ... bisa dilambangkan sama apa aja yg basically scary dan iconic

   Well sekarang sih udah ga cuma itu ... custom2 beragam mulai dari yg super simple sampe yg super creative bisa ditemuin klo lu tinggal di luar negeri pastinya ...

    Jigsaw dari saw , angry birds , anime characters , SHUFFLE BOT !!! (i bet there's gonna be plenty , i want one too dammit !!) , superhero characters and many more ...

    Basically halloween sekarang bisa dideskripsikan : A whole effin night where people wear customes and don't freaggin care about what people thinks (and super headache 1st thing in the morning due to drinking and partying .... sorry for party rocking) ... 

But these iconic characters simply never gets old in my eyes : zombie , vampire , ghost ... werewolf , mummy

   Happy halloween , sleep w/ fright because you know they're gonna be coming for you ...

Update 31st Oct 2011 siang harinya :
 Gw kelupaan klo halloween itu tanggal 29 malem nya sebenernya ... pantes gw liat ada event apa gitu di fb , eh gw nya malah mikir ... oh mereka mau party lebih cepet ya

  Aduh win ... win , pake lupa segala (stress banyak tugas dan project) ... despite all that halloween still rocks

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