Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Amazing Nurse Nanako

Anime Review
Amazing Nurse NanakoGenre Comedy

The series details the life and history of Nanako Shichigusa, a 16-year-old who works as a maid (not nurse as the title might imply) in the hospital of Dr. Kyogi Ogami, the male lead. Nanako is a classic ditzy slapstick protagonist who tends to accidentally break things and do everything wrong. Ogami treats her frequently in a cruel or heartless manner -- threatening her, yelling at her and even subjecting her to physical abuse -- yet at the climax of every episode he comes through to rescue her from whatever predicament she has gotten herself into. Much of the series revolves around the relationship between Nanako and Ogami -- his mean veneer, her faith in him, and how he alternates between the evil mad scientist archetype and the knight in shining armor archetype.

As the series progresses we are gradually revealed the history between Nanako and Ogami's family and given a reason why the two are so tightly knit together, as well as why the title refers to Nanako as a "nurse". A minor supporting cast is introduced, though Nanako and Ogami are clearly the leads. The plot incorporates the American military, the Catholic Church and outlandish science fiction experiments, with these elements progressed mostly in the lead episode and the last two episodes. The middle episodes 2-4 feature mostly unrelated one-shot plots, though minor progress is made in each episode regarding the history between Nanako and Ogami's family.

Plot summary

In the beginning, Nanako was the subject of a cyborg experiment conducted by Dr. Ogami for one of his most powerful robots. Through rigorous training, Dr. Ogami trained Nanako to withstand the pain. However, he made her too strong, and the plan ultimately failed. However, recent developments between the Pentagon and the Vatican to resurrect Jesus for the Second Coming have landed Nanako as the subject of an operation in which she will give birth to the new Jesus.

Throughout the series, we learn that Nanako is, in fact, the third clone in a series of clones cloned from the original Nanako. The original died from a mysterious illness, and an experiment to clone her was successful. However, around the age of 20, each Nanako clone dies of the same mysterious illness that claimed the life of the first Nanako. It has been Dr. Ogami's quest to cure the "Nanako illness" ever since he promised the second clone that he would heal her before she died when he was young.


Nanako Shichigusa

Nanako is a rather innocent 16 year old girl who works at the Ogami General hospital. She is the nurse, maid, and the cook. She is unable to leave her job because she is working to pay off her parents debt. Nanako is a bit forgetful at times and tends to burn the fish alot, but she is a pretty good helper overall.

The Nanako that appears in this series is Nanako C, the third clone of the original Nanako Shichigusa. The original Nanako was a classmate of Dr. Kuron and Dr Kenji Ogami She began working at the Ogami General office in 1936,back when it first opened and she was 16. The two doctors loved having her there, as her bright cheery personality kept them going through the hardships of developing the hospital. At the age of 20 she suddenly died from a mysterious illness that they were unable to cure.

Kenji somehow managed to clone her a year later, and this was Nanako A. Unfortunately she died of the same illness exactly 20 years later. A year later Nanako B was cloned. Nanako B was a very good friend of Dr. Kenji's now grown son, Dr. Joji. She often took care of Kyoji, Joji's young son. Unfortunatly, Nanako B also died upon reaching the age of 20. After Nanako B died, Dr. Joji cloned Nanako C and then quit medicine. He was badly devastated by his inability to save Nanako B and left the job of curing this curse to his young son.

Dr. Kyoji Ogami

Kyoji is the son of Joji and the grandson of Dr. Kenji Ogami. He is the third Dr. Ogami to work at Ogami General Hospital. When he was young he had a caretaker, Nanako B. He was only 7 when she came to work at the hospital at age 16. He was devastated when, 4 years later, Nanako became ill from the same mysterious disease that had killed the first two Nanakos.

While Nanako B was dying, the young Kyoji vowed to save his beloved caretaker. He promised to one day become a doctor and cure her illness, since his father was unable. After she died he became determined to become the best doctor he could be. For a long time he toyed around with the idea of using cybernetics to save Nanako C. Thus was born his idea of Cyborg Nana-Go, which would house Nanako's mind in a robot body. Later on, after college, he became more interested in genetics and bioengineering, deciding that the problem lay in the genes of Nanako. When he was introduced to the triple helix DNA of the captured alien 'Green,' he began researching how he could use this knowledge to change her genes in such a way as to save her.

Dr. Kuron
Dr Kuron helped Dr. Kenji Ogami open the Ogami General Hospital back in 1936. He is a chinese doctor who seems to specialize in acupuncture, judging from the amount of needles he hurls about. He was classmates with the original Nanako and tries to be friendly to the current Nanako. He has an ongoing war with the witch like Komanechi, as old folks tend to do...

Komanechi is a very short and old witch. She brews potions in a big pot and has an ongoing war with the cranky Dr. Kuron. Not a lot more than this is known about her.

Genki Udea

Genki is a big and powerful man who can be a deadly warrior when he is needed. He seems to live, train, and study at Ogami General Hospital, although his reasons for being there are never actually known. He may be there just to help with Nanako's strength training. Genki is a very kind and friendly man and tries to make sure that Nanako is always ok.

Kaoru Satsuki
This blue haired busty woman is a friend of Dr Ogami. She is a specialist in hypnotizing people. She is very proud of her appearance. She is one of the most cruel towards Nanako, possibly out of jealousy towards her. Her reason for being around is not really explained after her one hypnotizing, she seems to be living at the hospital after episode 4.

Hitoshi Maruo
Maruo is a bit of a mystery. He is a college age kid who lives at Ogami General Hospital. It is unknown why he lives there, what he is going to college for, and in fact why he is mentioned at all, since he does absolutely nothing for the storyline. Anyhow, he takes his place as one of the gang, although a mysterious one. He is perhaps the nicest of them towards Nanako, regretting the tortures they place upon her more than the rest seem to. Perhaps he is the ordinary person set to show how crazy the rest are.

Saint is an underling of Bishop Cross, a man of the Vatican who wants to get rich with the technologies unlocked from the Green project. Saint is the one who supervises Kyoji's attempts to understand Green's dna and keeps an eye on everything for Cross. He also mantains relations with Griffith, who is working directly on cloning Jesus from old blood stains on the Shroud of Turin. In the end he flees after all of the deals go under with the data from the final Green experiment. He seems to be only after money in the end.


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