Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Scrapped Princess


Scrapped Princess

Genre Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance


The story takes place in a fantasy world and revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Pacifica Casull, who is the sister in a set of twins born to the royal family of a kingdom called Leinwan and then, literally, thrown away. The 5111th Grendel Prophecy predicts that she will be the "poison

that will destroy the world" if she reaches her sixteenth birthday. To prevent this she is dropped off a cliff as an infant. Believed to be dead, her survival remains no more than a rumour until she is already 15 years old.

Pacifica is rescued by a court wizard and adopted by the commoner Casull family. Her foster siblings, Shannon, a swordsman, and Raquel, a wizard, become her protectors. Both siblings are extremely powerful, and more often than not they easily break out of whatever difficult situation they face.

Her siblings travel with her throughout most of the story, protecting her from the numerous attempts on her life by people who fear the outcome of the prophecy. Both siblings' skills see constant use. By contrast, Pacifica is mostly a typical fifteen-year-old, and her inability to defend herself is a recurring source of self-doubt for her, as is the constantly repeated insistence that she will destroy the world. As the series progresses, the truth about the prophecy slowly comes to light, but even as more of the truth is revealed, more questions arise. Pacifica must discover her hidden destiny, even as powerful beings called Peacemakers, who are worshipped in this world as demi-gods, continually manoeuvre to have her destroyed, and, at the same time, a mysterious being called a Dragoon comes to the assistance of Pacifica and her guardians, offsetting to some extent the attack of the Peacemakers. It turns out that Pacifica is not only not "the poison that will destroy the world" but, in reality, mankind's last hope, and all part of a plan that was set in motion 5000 years before by scientists among the human resistance to aliens during what were called the Genesis Wars.

(Spoilers) Before the Genesis Wars, the Peacemakers were created by humans as weapons against mankind's alien foes, but, determining to protect their human creators and prevent them from destroying themselves, the Peacemakers switched sides and assisted the aliens by imprisoning the survivors of the war in an artificial environment, and at the same time backing up their cultural development to the Middle Ages. The Peacemakers were able to do this with the help of a gifted psychic named Celia Mauser, whom they encouraged to leak information to them in exchange for the lives of her brother and sister. (Celia and her siblings bear a noticeable resemblance to Pacifica, Shannon, and Raquel). She was too late, her siblings died. Celia Mauser's treason was for nothing. Celia was then kept in an area of phase space in a sort of virtual reality for 5000 years while mankind continued to live on unknowingly in a cage. Her powerful mind was programmed into the artificial environment's control system, and the religion concocted by the aliens to control humanity worships her as a god.

The Peacemakers have watched over mankind, occasionally wiping out much of the population to keep the level of civilization down so mankind would not find out that they were trapped. As the Peacemakers put it, "You don't know you are trapped if all you've ever known is your cage." Humans are completely incapable of resisting the will of the Peacemakers. Just looking a Peacemaker in the eye renders a human obedient - even Shannon and Raquel are not immune to this. Pacifica Casull is the only human being in 5000 years who is immune to this control, and her ability will become communicable to others once she reaches her sixteenth birthday. This is why the Peacemakers are determined to destroy her, and why they have used the Grendel Prophecies to induce anyone who can to do the job for them. (Pacifica cannot be directly attacked by the Peacemakers. She must be attacked indirectly by a controlled human or group of humans). As things turn out, Pacifica's real brother, Prince Forsythe, who has seen the suffering inflicted on his people by the Peacemakers in their attempts to eliminate Pacifica, asks to meet her, and when her guardians allow it, he stabs her in the back, ten hours before she turns sixteen. This causes her to be removed to the phase sphere, where she meets Celia Mauser, who allows her to choose whether mankind will remain in their prison or not. Pacifica chooses freedom.


Pacifica Casull

Voiced by: Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese), Kari Wahlgren (English)
The Scrapped Princess. Originally thrown over a cliff when she was just a baby, she survived and was adopted by the Casull family as their youngest child. With her blonde hair and blue eyes, she is the spitting image of her mother, and her sweet nature does not seem to suggest any ill things about her. She is young and innocent despite all that is going on around her. Pacifica questions how so much suffering can occur due to her existence and blames herself for it. She is prophesied to destroy the world at 16 years of age. She looks exactly like Celia Mauser (except for a darker hair colour and difference in height) the seer who was a vital component in the fight against the aliens during the Genesis Wars. She is a happy girl who has a bright outlook on life which leads to many of the people who wish for her death to question the prophecy. 5000 years ago, as humans were losing the war with the aliens and were going to be sealed, Browning and the other remaining humans came up with a plan to break free of the sealed world by specifically calculating and scattering DNA to prepare the Providence Breaker-Pacifica - who would be able to resist the mind control of the Peacemakers and destroy the very foundations of the system sealing in the humans to free mankind.

Shannon Casull

Voiced by: Shinichiro Miki (Japanese), Crispin Freeman (English)
The middle child of the Casull family after Pacifica was adopted. He is a skilled swordsman who has sworn to defend Pacifica's life no matter what. He is reserved and calm despite the many difficult things transpiring in the Casull sibling's lives. He is Raquel's younger brother and Pacifica's older foster brother. Later in the series, he merges with Zefiris to become a D-Knight. He looks almost exactly like Zefiris' old master, Becknum Mauser, due to the genetic engineering used to create him, Pacifica and Raquel, as explained by Zefiris. He is extremely devoted to his little sister, though they do bicker a lot. He protects her without a second thought.

Raquel Casull

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (Japanese), Bridget Hoffman (English)
The oldest of the Casull children. She is a powerful magic-user and able to cast spells faster than many others. She has assumed a motherly role in the family and always maintains a calm, kind attitude. She is Shannon's sister and Pacifica's foster sister. Like Shannon, she has a striking resemblance to Celia and Becknum Mauser's sister. Her adoration of her sister is only rivaled by her brother.

Leopold Scorpos

Voiced by: Takashi Kondo (Japanese), Yuri Lowenthal (English)
The first son of Duke Scorpos and heir to his father's territory. He has high aspirations of becoming a great and noble knight, rescuing damsels in distress and bringing righteous justice to the world at large. Unfortunately, Leo has a long way to go in order to obtain his goals. While on his journey, he discovers the Casull party being harassed by a group of bandits, and with sword at the ready, charges gallantly down the hill on his noble steed, Parabellum, in order to come to their aid. Sadly, his attempt as heroics doesn't go as planned, but upon setting eyes on Pacifica, falls head over heels and frequently proposes marriage to her. While still struggling to ascertain the meaning of chivalry and what it means to be a good knight, Leo decides that he will protect Pacifica at all costs.

Christopher Armalite/Bailaha

Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (Japanese), Steve Staley (English)
Leader of the elite army unit Obstinate Arrow. He attempts to kill the Scrapped Princess and kidnaps Winia Chester to lay a trap for the guardians. He is beaten in a duel by Shannon and asked to stay away in exchange for sparing his life. Later, in order for him to gain access to the castle's resources, he is officially adopted by Baroness Bailaha as her son. He appears to fill the role of honorable antagonist in this series. Later on in the series, he joins Pacifica to fight on her side.

Winia Chester

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese), Michelle Ruff (English)
Winia Chester is an introverted and lonesome inn-maid, taken in and raised by her uncle out of pity for her after her parents died. She spends time with and becomes friends with Pacifica, and it is one of the few times she has smiled and laughed since her parents were killed. When Christopher kidnaps her and takes her to the Glass Canyon, Pacifica's identity as the Scrapped Princess is revealed to her. Although initially confused and unable to accept the fact that her friend is the "poison that will destroy the world", Winia eventually comes around, and continues to have a close friendship with Pacifica. She also, in time, becomes the love interest of her kidnapper, and although he cold shoulders her on more than one occasion (which turns out to have been an attempt to keep her from becoming involved in the dangers going on around them all) he eventually becomes responsive to her. This is the only real romance in the story.


Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (Japanese), Kate Higgins (English)
A powerful spiritual being who, like the Peacemakers, is actually an AI (artificial intelligence) weapon created during the Genesis Wars, Zephiris is the last remaining Dragoon in the world of Providence that is fully functioning. At the start of the series, Zephiris apparently materializes in mid-air, instructing Pacifica to tell Gloria (another Dragoon who had been chasing Pacifica around in the form of a giant frog), to sleep. Gloria later turns back into her human form before vanishing. Initially, Zephiris merely give the Cassulls vital information about assassins sent to kill Pacifica, but later, it seems as if she has a hidden agenda. After defeating the Peacemaker Galil by merging with Shannon, she calls him her 'master'. It turns out that Zephiris is a Dragoon who fought with her old master Becknum Mauser 5000 years ago during the Genesis Wars. Calm, solemn, and quiet, Zephiris is often in a dilemma about whether to follow the plan that humans devised 5000 years ago as a last resort to free themselves from the sealed world. The plan was meant to be completed at all costs, even if many people who are, after all "foolish beings", will be killed for the greater good. Her questioning of the plan contrasts with the views of her counterpart Natalie, who even tries to brainwash Shannon with her powers.


Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Liam O'Brien (English)
Fulle appeared after the spell (Ginnungagap) that creates a destructive tidal wave. Pacifica, who was on a boat, washes up on an island with no memory of who she was before, namely the Scrapped Princess. While she is staring at the ocean, Fulle is assessing the damage done to the country that they live on. Pacifica follows him home in hopes that she might run into someone who knows who she is. Fulle cares well for Pacifica, and she relies on him. After Pacifica is told she is the Scrapped Princess and that she has a family, she is still unable to regain her own memory, and is allowed to stay longer with Fulle on Raquel's suggestion. Fulle does not survive the adventure of the Scrapped Princess, eventually giving his life to protect her.


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