Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thousand Arms



The game takes place on a "steampunk" type of world. The Dark Acolytes, a mysterious organization of cyborgs and robots, is trying to find the five legendary Sacred Flames, and bring chaos to the World in the process. Meis, a womanizing "Spirit Blacksmith" with the ability to make magical weapons, finds himself chosen to find the flames before the Dark Acolytes do. However, to increase the power of his weapons, Meis must have the help of a woman, and must increase his 'intimacy level' with her by going out on dates. Along his journey, he meets a colorful cast of characters, including girls to date and heroes who join his party.




Meis Triumph-The heir to a family of Spirit Blacksmiths, Meis learned to be a womanizer from his father. Stubborn and lazy, Meis is forced to change his ways against his will, first when the Dark Acolytes force him to leave his comfortable home, and then when the spirits of the Ancient Blacksmiths give him the mission of finding the sacred flames. He is attracted to Sodina, but can't resist hitting on other beautiful women.

In addition to his ability to reforge weapons to increase their power and grant them magical spells or special attacks, Meis can obtain "Elemental Beasts" to use in combat, similar to the "summons" seen in the Final Fantasy games. His weapon is a sword.

Sodina Dawnfried-The younger sister of a great Spirit Blacksmith named Jyabil, Sodina is a beautiful, red-haired girl; however, she's also very brave. After her brother is killed by the Dark Acolytes, she decides to help Meis on his quest. She has feelings for Meis but finds herself often enraged by his lecherous behaviour. Her weapon of choice is a dagger.

Muza Grifford-A knight and an old friend of Meis, he's brave but not too clever, and tended to freeze when in the presence of pretty girls. He has a very large physique. He develops feelings for Wyna. His weapon is a claymore, a huge sword that normal people would have a difficult time wielding.

Wyna Grapple-The daughter of the King of the Pirates, Wyna is a boisterous girl who loves fighting; she joins the party just to go on adventures. She wears a bikini as well as an eyepatch, but just for effect, she's not missing any eyes. If you pay attention during dates, you'll see that Wyna's eyepatch changes eyes from time to time. At first she's attracted to Meis because of his strength, but later returns Muza's feelings. Wyna's weapon is a large battle hammer.

Nelsha Stylus-A unique girl whose personality changes when she puts on new outfits, due to the spirits that inhabit them. Nelsha is a shy, nerdy-looking girl who speaks of herself in the third person. She dreams of becoming a "Dress Master", a title given to the best clothes designers in the world (similar to Metalia's title of Jewel Master). Her weapon is a magic sewing needle.

In addition, Nelsha can change her costumes in combat, which changes her form completely and gives her different powers.

Kyleen Nelphe-A green-haired female thief who tries to use the party for her own purposes, but ends up befriending and joining them. Her personality is cynical and sarcastic. She seems attracted to Soushi. Her weapon is a rapier, a sword used for fencing.

Soushi Maharoba-A samurai with a lot of pride, who considers himself a ladykiller as well. His most notable feature is his pink kimono (a garment not usually worn by males). He and Meis can't stand each other at first but eventually come to respect each other. His weapon is a katana called Masamune (a popular name given to katanas in RPGs, named after the blacksmith from feudal Japan).

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