Friday, April 9, 2010

The dangerous artifact of Nodoka Miyazaki, the Diarium Ejus

Nodoka Miyazaki

Official Pactio of Nodoka Miyazaki
  • Manga: Diarium Ejus: Nodoka gained a picture diary that can read the inner thoughts of people, and prints those thoughts into words and images. This is very useful in a variety of situations, including combat and information gathering, (especially for interrogations, though Nodoka is reluctant to forcibly read the inner thoughts of others - she always apologizes afterwards). This artifact is considered to be very powerful and its potential for misuse is considerable.
    Nodoka splits her Diarum Ejus to evade her pursuers.
    However, the reason why Nodoka received the book may be due to the fact that her innocent personality prevents her from abusing it. There are two drawbacks to take note. First, is that in order to read the thoughts of a person, she needs to know his/her name and second, the person's mind that the she wishes to read has to be within a 5-point radius of her. Its range might be further now, since Nodoka was able to read Yue's mind when she went chasing after her in the lower levels at Library Island. If she does not use the diary or not call a name, it will read her mind automatically by default, much to her embarrassment. Though now the weaknees of needing the person's name has since been solved with her acquiring a ring that can show her the name of anyone she wants. She has also attached a special magic item to the diary itself, which would tell her what is being written in the book through an earpiece, so she no longer needs to actually read the book in order to read other people's thoughts. Later in the manga, she also able to split her artifact into smaller versions so that she can read more than one person's mind.
  • Negima!: Similar to her manga version 
  • Negima!?
  • Suka: Seal
  • Cosplay: Similar abilities to her manga version, but with a pair of glasses added as an extra artifact.
  • Armor: Thought Reading' Diary (sic): She has four encyclopedias hovering around her, with the books' abilities being a combination of the Diarium Ejus (the ability to read other people's minds and predict their movements in battle) and the Orbis Sensualium Pictus (the ability to look up information on, among other things, magic-related topics; Yue's Pactio item in the manga). She wears a robe and a bunny backpack in this form (similar in appearance to an outfit she wore in a manga spread).

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