Friday, April 9, 2010

Menace of Magia Erebea

Magia Erebea

A forbidden technique created by Evangeline A.K. McDowell over a period of 10 years, in which the user absorbs offensive magic designed to harm the enemy into his own body, to the point where it fuses with their very soul. The technique feeds on the user's body and soul, but in return the user gains power many times that of any ordinary person.
Erebea is a reference to Erebus, the offspring of Chaos and the Greco-Roman god of darkness and shadow; in later myths, Erebus became synonymous with Hades, as well as the underworld itself. As such, "Magia Erebea" would roughly translate as "Dark Magic".
When the user is able to utilize this technique, as a sign of that ability, a series of flowing tattoo-like designs appear over their arms whenever they channel magical power to them. When the technique itself is active, the user's skin will turn pitch black, and in some cases, their clothing and even their eyes will invert in color. Any special properties of the spell that is absorbed will also transfer to the user.
Magia Erebea has two forms. The first is that the user will completely absorb the magical attack into themselves, thereby gaining its properties. First casting the spell that they wish to absorb, they then chant the following phrases:
Latin: "Stagnet. Complexio, Supplementum pro Armationem!"
English: "Fixate. Seize. Load magic, 'Armament'!"
This technique is apparently a three-stage process. As the attack spell is cast, the user will initiate the Magia Erebea with the command "Stagnet," which causes the spell to compact itself down into a sphere, rather than being launched outward as an attack. Then upon "Complexio", the user will seemingly crush the spell into their fist in order to absorb it. "Supplementum pro Armationem" then follows, which facilitates the absorption process itself.
The user can also apparently specify what form the absorbed properties of the spell will take – in 219th Period, Negi used Magia Erebea to absorb Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens, to greatly heighten his speed and agility, which he calls "Agilitas Fulminis," or "Lightning Speed". In Period 225, Negi integrates Rakan's demonstration spell, Incendium Gehennae, a Dark and Flame element spell, into Magia Erebea, aptly naming it "Sim Fabricatus Ab Incendo," or "Tempered by Hellfire".
Magia Erebea can also be activated without requiring that the user absorb a magical attack, by the incantation:
Latin: "Actus Noctis Erebeae"
English: "Actions of the Dark Night"
The second form of the technique is that the user can store magical spells within themselves without canceling the previous Magia Erebea. By incanting "Supplementum", they will absorb the magic into themselves, but not merge with it, where they can release it at a later time. The actual syntax varies slightly, depending upon the nature of the command given.
Dextra Emittam: Right Arm Release Dextra Emissa Stagnet: Right Arm Release and Fixate Dextra Stagnans: Right Arm Fixate
Sinistra Emittam: Left Arm Release Sinistra Emissa Stagnet: Left Arm Release and Fixate Sinistra Stagnans: Left Arm Fixate
Duplex Complexio: Both Arms Seize Duabus Emissae: Both Arms Release


The secondary ability of Magia Erebea. Users are able to completely absorb a spell, thus gaining its various properties and strengths.
Sim Fabricatus AB Incendo (Mighty Flames of Reflection)
Magic equipped: Incendium Gehennae (Hellfire's Conflagration)
Direct attacks are augmented with dark flames. Enemy's magical powers are absorbed. Specialized for attack and defense.
Agilitas Fulminis ("Shippuu Jinrai" – Lightning Speed)
Magic equipped: Jovis Tempestas Fulguriens (Jupiter's Lightning Storm)
Direct attacks become electrical in nature and is capable of electrocuting or incapacitating an enemy. Provides an atmospheric barrier against airborne attacks. Specialized for

Nagi equiping himself with Jupiter's tempest
mobility, but with less defensive properties than Sim Fabricatus Ab Incendo.
He Astrape Hyper Ouranou Mega Dynamene ("Raiten Taisou" – Great Vigor of the Thunderous Sky)
Magic equipped: Khilipl Astrape (Thousand Thunderbolts)
Similar to Agilitas Fulminis, but with a tremendous boost in mobility. Described as allowing Negi to "transform himself into lightning" for instanteous periods, enabling him to move at speeds of up to 150 km/s, as well use Raisoku Shundou (Lightning-Speed Instant Movement). While in this form, physcial attacks against the user are rendered ineffective, although they are still capable of disrupting the body's now-loose composition. However, while the user's physical speed is significantly increased, their reflexes and mental processing speed are not. In addition, identical to natural lightning, a positive streamer must now precede their every movement, effectively telegraphing the user's every action and making them especially vulnerable to a successful counterattack.
A simultaneous second layer of this ability, however, dubbed "Raiten Taisou 2" or "Tastrape Hyper Ouranou Mega Dynamena" by Negi, eliminates most of this weakness, accelerating the user's perceptions to where they can succesfully react to and avoid said counterattack, and thus counter-counterattack themselves.

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