Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manga UK to Release Live-Action Higanjima Film

posted on 2010-03-16 10:00 EDT
Volcano High director, Death Note writer adapted Kōji Matsumoto's horror manga

The British anime distributor Manga Entertainment has announced it will release Tae-Gyun Kim's live-action film adaptation of Kōji Matsumoto's Higanjima supernatural horror manga on DVD and Blu-ray. The film is slated for a summer 2010 release.

The manga is named after a fictional island where the brother (Dai Watanabe) of the main character Akira Miyamoto (Hideo Ishiguro) went missing two years ago. Miyamoto leads a search party of friends to the island and discovers that there are vampires and other creatures lurking on it. Tetsuya Oishi, the screenwriter for the live-action Death Note films, scripted this new film for the director of Volcano High. The film opened Japan on January 9, ranking at #9 in Japanese theaters during its first weekend.

Source: MangaUK's Twitter

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